Lilypie First Birthday tickers

I dont like mommy right breast!

Mama right breast keep shooting at me.. i dun like... now mommy had to pump a bit before latching me on... papa and mama brought me to TMC to get some paper work done and went to taimaobi and rushed over to JP to get my fav swaddle.. i wet my swaddle again!!

Mama had been letting me try all sort of brands of diapers.. and so far, i am satisfied with Fitti and Drypers.. heard that mamypoko also not bad.. mama going to let me try after i used up the drypers.. Intially mama let me wear nepia one, but too big for me liao.. so have to try other brands of diapers..

its been really hard for me to sleep on some nights.. cause i keep making noises and my startle reflex is waking me up every now and then even thou i am swaddled. I am feeling hot and i dont like my hands wrapped.. so mama had no choice but to swaddle my body without my hands and blow fan on the wall to let me feel cool...

Mama face turn green after sleepless nights and she also fell asleep beside my cot bed too... she latch me lying down and we both fell asleep together.. but mama say its not a good thing cause she is worried that i might like her bed more than mine...

Both of us, together with papa are trying very hard to get used to each other.. We hope that soon, everything will settle down and we can start to do more family things together!

No pictures for this post... cause mama is too tired to do so.. Poor mama...